Redbank Communities

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Contact Name:Jock Douglas
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Business Address:76 Arthur Phillip Drive,
North Richmond, NSW
Sydney 2754
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Registered Postal AddressPO Box 262
North Richmond
Sydney 2754
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Redbank Communities is a lifestyle development company whose vision thrives on connecting community, lifestyle, culture and values.

Redbank Communities current flagship project is Redbank North Richmond – Redbank North Richmond is where the next generation of proud Hawkesbury residents, young and old, will live, grow and prosper with their families. We are creating a place to retreat to the simpler things in life, where people know their neighbours, make new memories and feel like they belong.

The Redbank Communities Project Team are undertaking all aspects of the project from concept to rezoning, delivery and sales.

Redbank North Richmond masterplanned residential community is on 440 acres and is being developed to include the following:

• 1400 residential lots providing housing for around 3,900 additional residents over 10 years
• There is a mixture of urban zones - low density residential (R2), medium density residential (R3), large lot
residential (R5) and neighbourhood centre zone (B1) – as well as recreation and environmental uses (RE1).
• 1-hectare neighbourhood centre, childcare centre and 85 acres of open space
• 80 bed nursing home and 197 home retirement village in joint venture with RSL Lifecare
• We are creating a new community and creating more than 570 construction jobs each year and 100 new jobs
when complete.
• Redbank Communities will contribute $473 million to the local economy. Together we can live, grow and
• The value of Redbank North Richmond on completion will be in excess of $1.8 billion