Mentor2Mentor Connect and Learn

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Contact Name:sheila Cabacungan
Email:Email hidden; Javascript is required.
Business Address:Foundational Business Centre
Suite 208 A-Library Building 29 Main Street
Rouse Hill 2155
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Registered Postal AddressPO Box 6027
Rouse Hill 2155
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Imagine your ideal week where:
Your skills, time, energy and attention was spent entirely the way you wanted it to be
Your business and life flowed and you felt joy and contentment even in the face of deadlines, competing demands and the chaos of daily life.
Everything you valued and that was important to you was respected
You showed up as the Leader in your business and life you aspire to be

How does this happen?
By reshaping your Monday morning.
Mentor2Mentor invites you to revisit your business and life routines in a safe, non-judgmental space starting with a fortnightly Monday morning meeting called Connect and Learn.

Your Connect and Learn Experience revolves around our Four Pillars of Business Leadership
Money, Marketing, Mentoring and Mindset.

Being part of the Mentor2Mentor Connect and Learn Community means...
A place where respect for you and your business is a priority
Holding an exclusive seat in your group
Being part of a supportive, empathetic and collaborative team
Having a team that supports you on your business journey and holds you accountable
Benefiting from the opportunity to share your wins and challenges in a trusted, safe space
Enjoying an element of networking
Gaining valuable business “learnings”
ALL without the big stick approach to refer and do business within the group before you know, like and trust them.