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We make sourcing equipment finance easy. We arrange finance for all manner of Equipment, Cars, Boats, Planes and Property for our clients ranging from large private companies to individuals. Many clients have been with us for over 30 years, whether their requirements have been an occasional car or millions of dollars in machinery or property. We even do total debt restructures, working capital & debtor discounting facilities as well as arranging better overall banking relationships. We really are the easiest way to finance business!
We make it easy for clients, that is why so many clients have been with us for years. Once we have spoken with or met a new client, we take care of the rest. You don’t even have to leave your office, we will come to you. Maria will personally look after you and with over $500 million in finance arranged annually we have the skills and buying power to locate and negotiate the right finance. Compared to the banks, we think you will find us a breath of fresh air.